11 Ways To Make The Most of An Awkward Corner
What awkward spots do you have in your home? I've got a few - including under the stairs (currently used as a place to gather dust and odd socks), the upstairs landing, and many, MANY corners. Considering a standard room has four of them, I think these angular spaces are the most under-utilised space in the home - and the funny thing is, there's an amazing amount you can do to make better use of them! Curious to find out how you can turn a dark, disused corner into an area of outstanding natural beauty, or better still, highly practical? Here are eleven ideas:
1. (above): home to a plant! Ever dreamed of having more plants in your home but can't figure out where they'd go? Pick a corner.... any corner, as long as it has some natural light.
2. Table and chairs: always wanted your own creative corner? Or perhaps that extra table away from a more formal dining room. Add a small square or round table for a practical way to make more out of a disused corner.
3. Art: Nothing adds interest and personality to a home quite like art - and it's perfect for brightening up dull corners. Go single or make a statement with a gallery wall.
4. The corner office: If you've always wanted THAT corner office - it's time to promote yourself at home! Plus, desks that hug a corner make maximum use of desk space too!
5. Shelves: when you're tight on space, squeezing in some extra shelving in the corner can make a world of difference and offer a perfect home for books and other bits and bobs.
6. A reading corner: with everyone spending more time at home right now, it can sometimes feel hard to carve out a little spot to call your own. Why not gather your favourite books (or creative pieces), add a reading lamp, chair and something fluffy and you're good to go!
7. Storage: never underestimate the power of a corner cupboard for extra storage!
8. Heat things up: more of an investment this one, but if you've ever dreamed of having a wood burning stove but never sure where to put it - how about that cold, dark corner in the kitchen / sitting room / hallway....
9. Make it musical! Corners make a great place for a record collection, musical instruments or music listening devices.
10. A space for reflection: Banish dark corners by adding a mirror. Not only will it brighten up the room, it'll also make it feel larger - and it's practical too!
11. None of the above excite you? You can never fail with a castle!
Writing this post has made me want to rush home and start filling the corners with pretty things, how about you?
Got a corner in mind?
Niki Sari
Photography credits: 1. This lovely image has been separated from its owner online - can you provide the credits? 2 & 3 Mathilde Engelund 4. the home of Kate Manning featured in Inside Out AU 5. Anders Bergstedt / Entrance 6. Jonas Berg for Stadshem 7. Cathrine de Lichtenberg 7. Svenska Mäklarehuset 8. Home of Vigdis Apeland Bergh photographed / design: Gro Sævik & Vigdis Apeland Bergh 9. 10. My Domaine 11. Home of Johanna Wikstrand Gartmyr captured by Lisa Wikstrand