God Jul / Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
It's a difficult time, with many of us missing our family this year. Even so, I hope you can find joy in the small things - A Zoom call with a loved one, a great book, a glimpse of sunshine or a slither of cake. You might also take comfort (along with the cake!) as I do from the words in the chorus of a very famous Swedish Christmas song:
Tänd ett ljus och låt det brinna,
låt aldrig hoppet försvinna,
det är mörkt nu,
men det blir ljusare igen.
Light a candle and let it burn
Never let hope fade away,
It's dark now,
But it will be brighter again.
Wishing you all a very merry Christmas friends!
PS You can listen to 'Tändet Ljus' here sung completely a cappella!) - and find the full lyrics in English here.
PPS I'll be back for a few days in between Christmas and new year! See you then!