The Best of My Scandinavian Home 2020!
The 5 Most Popular Blog posts of 2020 :
5. A Rundown House Becomes a Fairy-tale Swedish Country Home
4. The Eclectic Home of Jewellery Designer Andrés Gallardo
3. 5 DIY Projects to Try During Quarantine
These 5 inspiring DIY ideas compiled by Ezz Wilson helped us to while away a few hours indoors - and turn our homes into an even greater place to be!
2. 5 Swedish Christmas craft ideas to make alone or with the kids
1. Small space inspiration from Swedish Attefall Houses
Are you ready to see what was popular on The 'gram?
Best of @myscandinavianhome Instagram 2020
My blog will always be my first love, but I do like to dabble over at @myscandinavianhome from time to time (mainly to announce what's on the blog!). Having amassed an audience of over 345,000 (mainly my Mother under different synonyms), I was really excited to see what the most popular post of 2020 would be. And guess what? Out of all the professionally styled pictures I posted this year, the top spot is occupied by one I snapped with my mobile phone from the saddle of my bike! Lesson learned!
Ready to take a look? Drum roll please...
5. The Music Corner
4. Cat in the window
3. Attefallshus
2. Pink bathroom
Pink bathrooms were huge this year - and Ditte Gimm Larsen nailed the look in her charming Danish family home!
1. House